Sara Noor


Opening a surrogacy agency was a decision that came from both my personal experience and my desire to make a positive impact in the world. As someone who has experienced pregnancy losses myself, I understand firsthand the emotional toll that comes with the desire to have a child. When I learned about surrogacy and the hope it provides for intended parents, I knew I wanted to be a part of making that dream a reality for others. By opening a surrogacy agency, I have been able to help connect intended parents with surrogates who share their values and goals, and guide them through the complex process of surrogacy with high standards of care and understanding. Seeing the joy and gratitude on the faces of new parents when they hold their baby for the first time is an incredible reward and reinforces my belief that working in this field is truly meaningful and worthwhile. For me, this is not just a job, but a calling in life!

Yvette Hermosillo

Director of Surrogate Operations

As a former surrogate and mother, my passion for the surrogacy field is driven by my profound desire to help create families. Having experienced the joy of motherhood myself, I understand the profound impact that having a child can have on a person's life. My personal journey as a surrogate has given me a unique perspective and appreciation for the emotional and logistical complexities of the surrogacy process. I am deeply committed to providing compassionate care, support, and guidance to our surrogates and intended parents throughout their surrogacy journey. It is truly an honor for me to be a part of such a meaningful and transformative process, and to make a positive difference in the lives of others by helping to build families through surrogacy.

Russell Werts, Esq.

Russell's decision to specialize in reproductive law was deeply influenced by his father, Mark, who has dedicated 30 years of his legal career to practicing assisted reproduction technology law. The significant experience and expertise demonstrated by his father inspired Russell to direct his own focus towards this field.  He achieved academic excellence, graduating with honors, "Cum Laude," from Western State College of Law, where he obtained his Juris Doctorate. While pursuing his legal education, Russell actively engaged with the Family Law Society, highlighting his commitment to matters relating to families.

Russell's personalized approach reflects his deep empathy, making the journey of assisted reproduction more manageable. His extensive expertise in this field, coupled with his genuine passion for helping individuals create and expand their families, sets him apart.